
Archive for the ‘Web’ Category

MindWarp wins BEST OF SHOW at El Paso ADDY Awards 2012

February 21st, 2012


El Paso Addy Awards 2012

MindWarp has officially won 3 Gold Addy Awards along with the Best of Show honors for the “No Te Dejes/Don’t Let Yourself” campaign at this year’s El Paso Addy Awards (put on by the Advertising Federation of El Paso).  Since we won gold awards and Best of Show, the campaign will be heading to the Addy’s Regional competition later this year.  It’s great to know that the campaign will be venturing outside of El Paso for others to see.

The Don’t Let Yourself / No Te Dejes campaign won the following awards:

Gold Addy for Animation / Special Effects
Gold Addy for Website Design
Gold Addy for Public Service Mixed Multimedia Campaign
Best of Show Award for Public Service Mixed Multimedia Campaign

This would not have been possible without all of the love, support, and dedication from our hard working cast, crew, & family.  Thanks to all of your efforts, this campaign exceeded any and all expectations.  Its great to know that so many local creative people can come together for an amazing cause and deliver something grand.

Special thanks goes to the El Paso County team Michael Alvarez, Jaime Esparza, Frank Zubia, Elhiu Dominguez, Joe Gonzalez, Jo Anne Bernal and the rest of the team for believing in our small company to deliver this campaign both to the State of Texas and the El Paso Region.

See the campaign at

Redesigning the EPCAE Website

October 1st, 2011

The El Paso Collaborative for Academic Excellence is an education reform group that has worked for 20 years in transforming schools to ensure academic success for students in the El Paso area. With that said, the organization carried a multitude of material and information that awaited to be shown in the appropriate light.  This citywide collaboration  had unknowingly provided us with more than just the simple task of redesigning their website.  It gave us an enriching experience that further refined our abilities in content organization and web usability.

The Old Site

The Collaborative’s prior website resembled an extremely long laundry list needing to be organized for a clear delivery of its main objectives.   The deeper we dug into the previous website’s content, the larger the pile of ideas and solutions had to grow.  Our mission was clear: To surface their admirable purpose, crucial presence, and great achievements to the community in ways that all users could easily understand.

El Paso Collaborative for Academic Excellence

Old EPACE website

Sitemap and Content Organization

During our first attempt at understanding the inner workings of EPCAE, we quickly ran into the obstacle of a very content-heavy website.  The same concepts kept being interpreted differently as we went through ambiguous text and overlapping information. We had to be certain that we understood every detail. No exceptions.

Our  dedicated comprehension would allow us to teach visitors about the organization’s complex components in the simplest form. We did this through conversations with the Collaborative and by breaking down the entire content piece by piece.  As a result, we were able to trace back each piece to at least one of four main initiatives of the organization (they originally had six).  The four initiatives would become the main themes for visitors to easily understand the larger purpose of the organization. While some content could not be strictly categorized into a particular initiative (such as their funded programs), we preserved continuity by indicating that content’s ties to its respective initiative(s).

EPCAE Sitemap

EPCAE Sitemap

Once both parties fully understood the direction, it was time to omit all unnecessary or redundant content and only keep the most relevant material.  We eliminated the user’s previous need of having to dig through filler information to finally find the buried valuable content.  Clarity and simplicity was key.


To display the importance of the four initiatives, we decided to showcase them on the homepage with a rotating picture banner and tabs to separate the individual initiatives.  This would engage the users and introduce them to the four main themes of the website.

Wireframe homepage EPCAE

Homepage Wireframe

The same type of organization with tabs from the homepage was transferred to each individual initiative page. Three categorized tabs were created to break down each initiative’s components. These tabs carried the labels of “In Action”, “Tools”, and “Outcomes”. The “In Action” tab refers to the initiative’s active ideas, agendas, or curriculums taking place. It represents the tangible portion of the initiative. The “Tools” tab corresponds to the detailed parts of the initiative that support the “In Action” items. The self explanatory “Outcomes” tab contains the results of  the initiative. This effective structure was created to facilitate usability and understanding.

Initiative Wireframe

Initiative Wireframe

A separate section for the organization’s Funded Programs was created as each individual program could not be categorized into one particular initiative.  Each program was given a designated page with links to its supported initiative(s).  For an easy skim, we added a side section on each page to capture a quick overview of each Program.

EPCAE’s student achievement data had been an important, but hidden part of the previous website. The data was hidden behind links and large blocks of text. This time around, we decided to give it the attention it deserves by spotlighting the data with large images and clearly divided sections.

Design Direction and Colors

Education and academics became our go-to inspirations for our design. We went with a clean, scholastic look that could bring balance and organization to the new website. We additionaly created a design that could carry various academic images to increase user appeal.

Our color choices reflected a youthful and scholastic setting to go with our design. We also incorporated designated colors for the four initiatives themed throughout the website to facilitate usability.

The new EPCAE website

The new EPCAE website

The End Result

We were able to transform an overwhelming website to one that is easily digestible and easy on the eyes. We are pleased to see our client’s great successes in a different light and are excited to share with you our latest web design.

Check it out online:

No Te Dejes/Don’t Let Yourself Campaign

April 21st, 2011

No Te Dejes Campaign Logo

Due to a recent grant from Gov. Rick Perry’s Criminal Justice Department, MindWarp was given the honorable privilege of providing creative media to promote healthy relationships in the El Paso community and surrounding rural areas. In collaboration with the El Paso County Attorney’s Office and the 34th Judicial District Attorney’s Office, we successfully provided culturally sensitive and accessible marketing materials about domestic abuse and dating violence. The cultural campaign name, logo, four short films, and interactive website are all attributed to our hard working and talented team of filmmakers, writers, directors, programmers and graphic designers. Read the rest of this entry »

10 Questions You Should Ask a Web Design Company Before Working with Them.

June 7th, 2010

When it comes to choosing a web design company, the biggest difficulty for businesses is finding out which vendor is doing things the ‘proper way’.  There are many self-proclaimed web masters out there who claim to know what they’re doing, but the reality is many companies try to cut corners or simply do not keep up-to-date with evolving technologies.

List of Questions to Ask

Download the PDF version

In order for small businesses to defend and educate themselves, I have compiled a list of questions that you should be asking web design companies during your interviews. They may even look a bit shocked to hear you ask these. The following answers will quickly get you up to speed and help you make the right choice when it comes to choosing the most qualified company.

*Note: Try not to show these answers while asking them. They could easily bullshit talk their way through most of these questions.

1) What budgets do you typically work with?

Many small to medium sized businesses do not like to give away their budgets. This is understandable. However to make the guessing game a bit easier for everyone, why not reverse the process and instead ask the web company what budgets they typically work with. This information will quickly tell you two things: (1) If you can afford them and (2) if you fall within their typical budget scope.

If you are nowhere near their budget range, then chances are they won’t be dedicating very much time to you.

2) Are the websites you develop cross-browser compatible?

(They should say Yes.)

Browser Icons - Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, SafariCross-browser compatibility refers to the ability for your website to display correctly on all browsers including both Mac and PC. Your website should look and function the same across multiple browsers such as Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Apple’s Safari, Opera, and Google’s Chrome.

You can verify this yourself by opening some of the companies previously designed websites in different computers and browsers.  Make sure the layout of the site is not broken and looks similar in each browser. There may be small visual differences (in a good way) when using more advanced browsers such as Chrome and Safari.

3) Are the websites you develop using W3C validated standard-compliant code?

(They should say Yes.)

This is another very important question that will separate the men from the boys. Long ago the W3C (World Wide Web Consortium) created a standards-based guideline for coding web sites in order to get web development on track. Complying with web standards gives your web pages greater loading speed, greater visibility in web searches (Google), increased accessibility to visually impaired individuals, and guaranteed long-term stability and compatibility with future web technologies. It is very important to ask any web company whether they strive for W3C Validation.

W3C valid-xhtml ixonIf you want to test this out yourself, grab a few of their latest websites and run it through the following online test: The code should validate for some form of XHTML or HTML5.

Although validation is very important, every now and then even the best web developers may stumble and come up with a few errors. Anything more than a few though and you are asking for trouble.  This is often excusable if a web developer is trying out new technologies or there was a tiny slip in some dynamic code. This is why I recommend testing multiple websites from the web design company and not just one.

4) Do your websites use table-based layouts?

(They should definitely say No)

Tables based layout code

Tables based layout code

This is the quickest way to tell if the web developer really sucks. Using “tables” is a very outdated way of creating websites. They are slow loading, hard to modify, do not validate with the W3C, and prove troublesome for blind users using screen readers. A good web developer should say that they use XHTML and CSS Instead.

If you want to check for tables, view the source code on some of their websites. If you see a bunch of , , or tags all over the code, then that means your web developer has not evolved in the past 5 years.

5) Do you use WYSIWIG* editors to develop your websites? (*Pronounced “whiz-ee-whig”- stands for “What You See Is What You Get”)

(They should say No.)

It is important that a developer writes his own code in order to maximize the speed and effeciency of the website. If a web developer is relying on WYSIWIG Editors, then they are not as experienced as you may think. Using a WYSIWIG editor means that the web company is not coding themselves and is instead relying on 3rd party programs to do it for them. This is bad for many reasons: (1) It produces bloated code that is outdated and slows down your website; (2) Every time modifications are made the code gets even more bloated; (3) By using WISYWIG, the developer is limited in how much of the design can be altered because they have to work within the constraints of the program.

These companies generally cannot code and rely on the ‘WYSIWIG mode’ of programs such as Dreamweaver. Dreamweaver is not bad at all in itself, but using it the ‘WYSIWYG mode’ is a sure way to develop a poor, bloated, and slow website.

6) Will you be using pre-made templates on my website?

(They should say No or at least notify you if they are.)

You’d be surprised to find out how many web companies use pre-made templates without telling their clients.  This saves them time and money by conforming your business’s unique needs into a pre-packaged cookie cutter layout. There are online stores (such as where web companies can purchase premade templates for $25 only to slightly modify them and resell them to you for thousands of dollars. This is completely unethical if not notified upfront.   There are even instances where design companies are using templates on their own website.  Why would you want a custom website developed by someone who didn’t even design theirs?

That’s not to say all templates are bad. If you are on a very limited budget, they can be a great way to get something up quickly. Just remember that by going with a template, your business’s goals may not be properly marketed and worst of all, your site may end up looking just like someone else’s.

A Creative Template

A Creative Template

El Paso Creative Company

A Not-So-Creative Company

7) Do you conduct usability testing on your websites?

(They should probably say Yes, but it’s okay if they don’t.)

While usability testing is not a requirement and often adds to a project’s budget, it is important that a web development company be familiar with it.  This is not to be confused with ‘testing for bugs.’  This is literally test how people use the website.

Usability Comic by Steve Krug

The testing methods can vary but generally they will involve having a target user sit down at a computer while being recorded as they navigate the web site. Recordings will include the individual’s video and audio, as well as the entire screen and mouse clicks.  During the sessions, the individual will be asked a series of questions about what they are thinking in regards to the website’s purpose and value. The user will also be given tasks to see if they can complete them. These studies and videos save time and money by highlighting any problems visitors may be having early in the development cycle.

8) Will you be using Flash on my website?

(They should probably say No, but there are exceptions.)

Flash IconFlash is a web technology that allows developers to create interactive websites with sound and animation. While these website are fun to play with, they are generally not the best solution for business starting out on the web. Search engines such as Google, Yahoo, and Bing cannot properly index Flash content as well as HTML content. They also generally cost more, take time to load, take longer to develop, and cannot be as easily updated as an HTML website.  And finally because many mobile devices do not support Flash, your website will not be viewable on the iPad, iPhone, iPod Touch or Android phones (it shows, just not very well).

The good news is that other technologies such as Javascript and HTML5 have advanced in terms of animation; web developers are now able to include basic animations without having to rely on Flash. Check out Apple’s latest online demos of HTML5 in action. (Must use Safari.)

9) Which Content Management System do you use and can I try it out?

(They may have their own system that was developed in house or a 3rd party system such as ‘WordPress, ‘Expression Engine, ‘Joomla,’ or ‘Drupal’.)

A content management system is a back-end administrative system that attaches to your website so you can easily add, edit, or delete any of your content or images.

Screenshot from Expression Engine

Screenshot from Expression Engine

There are many 3rd party CMS systems available that are used for websites. Each has strengths and weakness. Some can be very straight forward, but others can be very confusing with too many options. There are also in-house developed systems that can vary greatly in terms of quality. This will be dependent on the quality of the developer.

The important thing to remember is to find out which CMS the company uses and whether you can test it for yourself.  Most companies should have a demo online that you can access. This will give you a good idea of how easy or difficult it will be to update your future website.

10) Can I see some of your latest website designs?

Only after all of the above questions have been appropriately addressed can you move on to critiquing a company’s design portfolio. If they have failed miserably on answering the above questions, then you probably shouldn’t even be looking at their designs.

With that said, it is very important to make a decision based on the company’s previous work.  After all, these are the people who will be designing your company’s image on the web. If the company’s past five websites are ugly, there’s a good chance yours will be too.  It is up to you to decide which company will best market your businesses’ objectives and unique personality.

Website Launch: DATAMARK, Inc

June 1st, 2010

Very rarely are we asked to design a website for an industry we’ve never heard of, but this was the case with our latest client. DATAMARK, Inc. is a company that specializes in business process outsourcing solutions. We were tasked with the challenge of making Datamark’s services easy to understand for clients not familiar with the BPO industry. The various services and resources were clearly organized for novice and expert users to quickly find the information they are interested in.

DATAMARK, Inc Web Design

MindWarp wins ADDY Award for Paloma Films Website

February 23rd, 2010

2010 Addy Award

2010 Addy Award

This past weekend, MindWarp LLC won an ADDY award for the website Paloma Films at the 2010 ADDY Awards in El Paso, TX.  You can check out the winning website at The website displays the cinematography talents of Benny Ontiveros and his work.

Thank you  friends and family for all your support!

Web site Launch: Integrated Transportation

December 16th, 2009

Our latest website redesign comes from the folks over at Integrated Transportation. Integrated is a diversity-owned transportation carrier for the dedicated freight industry. We redesigned their website’s sitemap and structure to accurately reflect the main audiences that would be visiting the site.  Through a simple and clear design, customers and drivers can easily achieve their goals of completing online applications or requesting a rate quote from the company.  Click the image below and let us know what you think.



1st Place for ‘Best Little Website on the Border’

November 4th, 2009

Best Little Website on the Border 2009 Award

Best Little Website on the Border 2009 Award

MindWarp Entertainment wins 1st Place for the ‘Best Little Website on the Border’ Contest at BizTech 2009! Our winning website was for the Texas Gynecology and Laser Surgery Center. You can view the winning website here:

The website won first place from among 68 submissions. Winning websites were judged based on usability, aesthetics, and effectiveness.

BizTech 2009 is the El Paso Hispanic Chamber of Commerce premier technology expo and is now in its eleventh year. It is the Southwest Region’s largest meeting place for thousands of information technology professionals, community and business leaders, telecommunications providers, fellow entrepreneurs, and others looking for the best in technology solutions from both sides of the U.S.-Mexico Border.

If you have questions regarding information about BizTech, please contact: Rebeca Rodriguez at or at 566-4066.

Web site Launch: Paloma Films

October 2nd, 2009

Our latest web site design is a portfolio site for El Paso cinematographer and good friend Benny Ontiveros. In case you don’t recognize his name, Benny is the cinematographer who shot our feature film Hands of God. The website highlights his beautiful work through the use of high quality videos and an easy to use navigation.

If you like the web site’s design, comment below and let me know what you think. Enjoy!

Click on the image to view the web site.

Paloma Films

Paloma Films

The Corral Brothers featured in El Paso Magazine

August 25th, 2009

The Brothers Corral

The Brothers Corral

After graduating from Cathedral High School, the Corral brothers had their futures down pat. Carlos was studying computer science, his brother Octavio in biology. However, there was no disputing their true interests. “There were stacks upon stacks of VHS tapes we made when we were little,” said Octavio. After the dreaded call home to inform the lifeline about the permanent change in their future careers into a notoriously unpredictable field, both University of Texas at Austin students changed their majors to Radio-Television-Film.

Just two short years after graduating, the enterprising siblings are deep into their business venture MindWarp Entertainment LLC, a production company specializing in web design and video production. Although they run their own company with two locations in the state (Carlos, 26, is in Austin, while Octavio, 24, is in El Paso), they were still able to nurture their pet project, a feature film about an alcoholic doctor called Hands of God….

Continue reading the article at