
MindWarp wins BEST OF SHOW at El Paso ADDY Awards 2012

February 21st, 2012


El Paso Addy Awards 2012

MindWarp has officially won 3 Gold Addy Awards along with the Best of Show honors for the “No Te Dejes/Don’t Let Yourself” campaign at this year’s El Paso Addy Awards (put on by the Advertising Federation of El Paso).  Since we won gold awards and Best of Show, the campaign will be heading to the Addy’s Regional competition later this year.  It’s great to know that the campaign will be venturing outside of El Paso for others to see.

The Don’t Let Yourself / No Te Dejes campaign won the following awards:

Gold Addy for Animation / Special Effects
Gold Addy for Website Design
Gold Addy for Public Service Mixed Multimedia Campaign
Best of Show Award for Public Service Mixed Multimedia Campaign

This would not have been possible without all of the love, support, and dedication from our hard working cast, crew, & family.  Thanks to all of your efforts, this campaign exceeded any and all expectations.  Its great to know that so many local creative people can come together for an amazing cause and deliver something grand.

Special thanks goes to the El Paso County team Michael Alvarez, Jaime Esparza, Frank Zubia, Elhiu Dominguez, Joe Gonzalez, Jo Anne Bernal and the rest of the team for believing in our small company to deliver this campaign both to the State of Texas and the El Paso Region.

See the campaign at

Redesigning the EPCAE Website

October 1st, 2011

The El Paso Collaborative for Academic Excellence is an education reform group that has worked for 20 years in transforming schools to ensure academic success for students in the El Paso area. With that said, the organization carried a multitude of material and information that awaited to be shown in the appropriate light.  This citywide collaboration  had unknowingly provided us with more than just the simple task of redesigning their website.  It gave us an enriching experience that further refined our abilities in content organization and web usability.

The Old Site

The Collaborative’s prior website resembled an extremely long laundry list needing to be organized for a clear delivery of its main objectives.   The deeper we dug into the previous website’s content, the larger the pile of ideas and solutions had to grow.  Our mission was clear: To surface their admirable purpose, crucial presence, and great achievements to the community in ways that all users could easily understand.

El Paso Collaborative for Academic Excellence

Old EPACE website

Sitemap and Content Organization

During our first attempt at understanding the inner workings of EPCAE, we quickly ran into the obstacle of a very content-heavy website.  The same concepts kept being interpreted differently as we went through ambiguous text and overlapping information. We had to be certain that we understood every detail. No exceptions.

Our  dedicated comprehension would allow us to teach visitors about the organization’s complex components in the simplest form. We did this through conversations with the Collaborative and by breaking down the entire content piece by piece.  As a result, we were able to trace back each piece to at least one of four main initiatives of the organization (they originally had six).  The four initiatives would become the main themes for visitors to easily understand the larger purpose of the organization. While some content could not be strictly categorized into a particular initiative (such as their funded programs), we preserved continuity by indicating that content’s ties to its respective initiative(s).

EPCAE Sitemap

EPCAE Sitemap

Once both parties fully understood the direction, it was time to omit all unnecessary or redundant content and only keep the most relevant material.  We eliminated the user’s previous need of having to dig through filler information to finally find the buried valuable content.  Clarity and simplicity was key.


To display the importance of the four initiatives, we decided to showcase them on the homepage with a rotating picture banner and tabs to separate the individual initiatives.  This would engage the users and introduce them to the four main themes of the website.

Wireframe homepage EPCAE

Homepage Wireframe

The same type of organization with tabs from the homepage was transferred to each individual initiative page. Three categorized tabs were created to break down each initiative’s components. These tabs carried the labels of “In Action”, “Tools”, and “Outcomes”. The “In Action” tab refers to the initiative’s active ideas, agendas, or curriculums taking place. It represents the tangible portion of the initiative. The “Tools” tab corresponds to the detailed parts of the initiative that support the “In Action” items. The self explanatory “Outcomes” tab contains the results of  the initiative. This effective structure was created to facilitate usability and understanding.

Initiative Wireframe

Initiative Wireframe

A separate section for the organization’s Funded Programs was created as each individual program could not be categorized into one particular initiative.  Each program was given a designated page with links to its supported initiative(s).  For an easy skim, we added a side section on each page to capture a quick overview of each Program.

EPCAE’s student achievement data had been an important, but hidden part of the previous website. The data was hidden behind links and large blocks of text. This time around, we decided to give it the attention it deserves by spotlighting the data with large images and clearly divided sections.

Design Direction and Colors

Education and academics became our go-to inspirations for our design. We went with a clean, scholastic look that could bring balance and organization to the new website. We additionaly created a design that could carry various academic images to increase user appeal.

Our color choices reflected a youthful and scholastic setting to go with our design. We also incorporated designated colors for the four initiatives themed throughout the website to facilitate usability.

The new EPCAE website

The new EPCAE website

The End Result

We were able to transform an overwhelming website to one that is easily digestible and easy on the eyes. We are pleased to see our client’s great successes in a different light and are excited to share with you our latest web design.

Check it out online:

Goodbye Apple, Hello Adobe

July 7th, 2011


The End of an Era

Well, its official. Our company has officially switched from Final Cut Studio 3 to Adobe Production Premium 5.5. I’ll state the obvious reasons in this blog post. I will also tell you why we didn’t choose AVID Media Composer along with why we aren’t even going to spend the $299 on Final Cut Imovie Pro X. But first, a little history. Read the rest of this entry »

New Business Cards

April 29th, 2011

MindWarp Business Cards

MindWarp Business Cards

Introducing our new business cards!  The new cards are die-cut, foil-stamped and printed on 130lb blue colored paper.  The cards were printed locally in El Paso by our good friend and cousin David Tovar at .

The business cards have been featured on the following design galleries:

We’ll be handing these things out like candy!


No Te Dejes/Don’t Let Yourself Campaign

April 21st, 2011

No Te Dejes Campaign Logo

Due to a recent grant from Gov. Rick Perry’s Criminal Justice Department, MindWarp was given the honorable privilege of providing creative media to promote healthy relationships in the El Paso community and surrounding rural areas. In collaboration with the El Paso County Attorney’s Office and the 34th Judicial District Attorney’s Office, we successfully provided culturally sensitive and accessible marketing materials about domestic abuse and dating violence. The cultural campaign name, logo, four short films, and interactive website are all attributed to our hard working and talented team of filmmakers, writers, directors, programmers and graphic designers. Read the rest of this entry »

Hands of God at the 14th Cine Las Americas International Film Festival

April 11th, 2011

14th Cine Las Americas Film Festival

MindWarp Entertainment, in association with Paloma Films, presents the Regional Premiere and final festival screening of the feature film Hands of God by The Brothers Corral. Hands of God will be screened on Saturday April 23rd at 1:00pm during the 14th Cine Las Americas International Film Festival at the Alamo Drafthouse @ South Lamar.

Film Badges & Tickets can be purchased online at or by calling for more information.

Film Synopsis

Dr. Michael Vidal is in his final year of residency and has just been named senior chief resident of the heart surgery program at his hospital. After his father’s death, he slowly begins to lose touch with reality and resorts to drinking while on call. When Dr. Michel Vidal begins to question his profession, Ramon Salazar, a patient with no friends or family, befriends him. While providing Dr. Michael Vidal with a second chance at understanding his father, Mr. Salazar reminds him that a man is only as strong as the memories that define him.

El Paso’s local talent includes: Manny Rubio, Jim Daross, Marco Naylor, Karen Moore, Frank Laverpool, Alyssa Sherman, Armando Beltran, Angel Herrera, and Nomar Rizo. Hands of God is the result of the hard work and creative talents of El Paso’s growing filmmaking community.

Follow us on our Facebook Fan Page () and Twitter ().

MindWarp wins El Paso Ad Federation ADDY Awards

February 25th, 2011

Two El Paso Addy Awards

MindWarp receives two El Paso Addys

This past weekend, MindWarp won two ADDY awards at the 2011 El Paso Advertising Federation ADDY Awards.  Recognized pieces include our TV commercial for local florist Botanica Flowers and our animated intro for the El Paso Marathon promotion video. Both videos can be viewed below. Thank you everyone for all your support! MindWarp continues to grow in El Paso and we are thankful to all our friends and family coming along for the ride.

Botanica Flowers

El Paso Marathon Intro

TxDOT Commercial Production

January 17th, 2011

Carlos Corral setting up the production design

Setting up the Production Design

I was recently hired by Think Street Inc. & Rip Tear Shred, an ad agency and production company in Austin, TX to come direct their Spanish speaking commercials for the TxDOT Drinking & Driving campaign. It was nice to go back to Austin and do production work there. I had worked in Austin a few years back before returning home to West Texas.

Carlos Corral listens to the Audio.

Listing to the Location Audio

I had the chance to work with Kim Whatley, Randy House, and Enea Abbud of Think Street Inc. & also worked with Cathy Beaudoin and John Brown of Rip Tear Shred, as well as several other talented actors from San Antonio, Houston, and Austin. Production lasted for 2 days and in that time we filmed 3 commercial spots at a Hospital, Kitchen, and BBQ party. Check out the little behind the scenes video I got while on set.

I was brought in during the audition process in order to help the agency and production company choose the actors and actresses who would best fit into the roles in the TxDOT commercials. We were more than happy with all of our choices. I even had the chance to work with Vic Trevino. Who is Vic Trevino? He was recently cast as Danny Trejo’s Mexican Federale partner in MACHETE. Spoiler Alert! he dies in the first 5 minutes of the film. Still he was a great guy to work with as were all the other actors and crew on this project.

Carlos Corral & Vic Trevino

Working with Victor & Jorge

Talented Women on Set

Our talented Actresses & Crew Memebers

Check out the TxDOT 30 second & 2 minute TV Spots below:

Casting Call: Domestic Abuse Short Film Series

January 11th, 2011

Poster for Auditions regarding Domestic Abuse Short Films

Auditions Poster

Title: Domestic Violence Short Films
Company: El Paso County and MindWarp Entertainment
Project: Short Films
Genre: Drama
Roles: Paid
Production Start Date: TBD
Production End Date: TBD

Date & Location:
January 15, 2011
MindWarp Entertainment Office

10am – 12:30pm & 2pm – 6pm

Please call MindWarp Entertainment at to set up an audition time.
Please bring (3) copies of your headshot and resumes on the day of the audition.

There are 3 narrative short films.

1st Story Synopsis:

Katie and Ben have been married for two years. They seem to be the perfect happy couple. The reality of their household, however, is very different when no one is watching.
BEN (Male, Age 25 -30)
KATIE (Female, Age 25-30)
WAITRESS/JESS (Female, Age 18-25)
HOSTESS (Female, Age 18-25)
BUDDY (Ages 25-30)

Please download your audition scripts from the link below:

2nd Story Synopsis:

Maria decides to leave her abusive husband for good, but before she can execute her plan, her son gets into trouble at school and delays their plan of escape.

JORGE (BILINGUAL Male, Age 30-40)
MARIA (BILINGUAL Female, Age 25-40)
ROBBY (BILINGUAL Male Child, Age 10-12)
MRS. GARCIA (BILINGUAL Female, Age 30-40) Robby’s schoolteacher.
MIKE (Male, Age 30-35)

Please download your audition scripts from the link below:

3rd Story Synopsis:

Tired of being abused, Josefina is determined to escape from husband, but taking her daughter with her presents a larger problem. Since she entered the country illegally, she is afraid to go to the police and instead turns to a friend at a battered women’s shelter for help.


Please download your audition scripts from the link below:

Email or Call us if you have any questions regarding these roles. See you all at the auditions!

Red Sands: Behind the Scenes

January 10th, 2011

Jaime on the RED

Pulling focus for Jaime Mora

Last Summer, MindWarp was hired to produce a short film for My Key Films. Mikey Reyes, owner of My Key Films, recently finished his Master’s Degree at NYU this past December. Before his graduation, he was required to turn in a thesis film in order to complete his course work at NYU. Being from El Paso TX, Mikey Reyes at first thought he would need to bring cast, crew, and equipment down from New York in order to complete his film.

Ryan Martinez adjusting the lights

Our Gaffer Ryan Martinez

Little did he realize that there was a booming film community right here in West Texas. Mikey Reyes was not only able to find a great cast and crew here in El Paso, but was also able to find a majority of the resources he needed for the project thanks to several local El Pasoans. So what was Mikey Reyes’ film about?

While crossing the Arizona desert, two illegal immigrants witness
 an ATV accident involving a young man. The immigrants decide to help the young man only to realize that the accident has attracted both the attention of a border patrol agent and racist minuteman.

Just from the description of the film, this project was not going to be easy. We went into production in June of 2006 and we ended up dealing with record temperatures while out in the desert. There was one day the temperature got as high as 106. Since we were shooting this project on the RED Camera, working in high heat was not the best condition to use this camera. We had camera shutdowns everyday. The ice packs we would put on the camera wouldn’t last long, so we were constantly rotating them.

Marco & Mouse

Camera Team: Marco & Mouse

Luckily, we had lots of ice that would last us for the day, but we would also be getting new ice bags daily due to the nature of the shoot. There was one day where our regular ice packs had no effect on the camera, so we ended up having to use dry ice in order to prevent the camera shutdowns. Despite these few setbacks, we were still able to get everything done. It helps to have a cast and crew that is familiar with the weather conditions of West Texas.

Red Truck

Setting up the RED

Jaime & Gun

Jaime Mora pulls out his gun

Red Sands Cast

Jaime Mora, Jose Luis Butto, Gabriel Rivera, and Sam Elliot

Since then, Red Sands has been completed and sent off to Film Festivals across the nation. Mikey Reyes and I were also awarded a grant from the Texas Filmmakers Production Fund, which is sponsored by the Austin Film Society. As it turns out, the two us are undergraduates of the University of Texas at Austin’s film program and we found it very easy to work with another since we mostly had the same educational background. Always great to know that Texas has several grant resources for its local filmmakers.

Check out the behind the scenes video of Red Sands below: