26th Chicago Latino Film Festival
MindWarp Entertainment, in association with Paloma Films, presents the World Premiere of the feature film Hands of God by The Brothers Corral. Hands of God will be screened on Saturday April 17th at 6:00pm & Monday April 19th at 8:30pm during the 26th Annual Chicago Latino Film Festival.
Roasted Films & Paloma Films, in association with MindWarp Entertainment, present a screening of the documentary film Breaking Borders: Cross Dressers & Drag Queens of El Paso, TX by Diana Cordova. Breaking Borders will be screening on Sunday, April 25th at 6:15 p.m. & on Tuesday April 27th at 6:00pm during the 26th Annual Chicago Latino Film Festival.
(Ticket Information)
Tickets can be purchased at The International Latino Cultural Center in Chicago IL, or by calling The International Latino Cultural Center at . Log on to http://www.latinoculturalcenter.org for more information.
(Hands of God)
Dr. Michael Vidal is in his final year of residency and has just been named senior chief resident of the heart surgery program at his hospital. After his father’s death, he slowly begins to lose touch with reality and resorts to drinking while on call. When Dr. Michel Vidal begins to question his profession, Ramon Salazar, a patient with no friends or family, befriends him. While providing Dr. Michael Vidal with a second chance at understanding his father, Mr. Salazar reminds him that a man is only as strong as the memories that define him.
El Paso’s local talent includes: Manny Rubio, Jim Daross, Marco Naylor, Karen Moore, Frank Laverpool, Alyssa Sherman, Armando Beltran, Angel Herrera, and Nomar Rizo. Hands of God is the result of the hard work and creative talents of El Paso’s growing filmmaking community.
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(Breaking Borders)
Every Thursday night at a local Taco Cabana in El Paso Texas, Manuel Nunez and friends put on a cross dressing drag queen show titled “Samantha’s Travesti Show.” Through the use of comedy and entertainment, Samantha, Viviana, & Zayda break the borders of transsexual identity and acceptance.
This is a 13-minute documentary film that chronicles the one night performance of three cross dressers in El Paso, Texas as they inform the audience about why they chose their part-time profession. As individuals, these performers break numerous “borders” which range from societal to literal, as they cross over from Ciudad Juarez, Mexico to perform for their fans. “There are people who don’t applaud and others who are apathetic to our show,” states Manuel “Samantha” Nunez. “We want people to laugh and have fun with us. It’s for people who want to forget ordinary life.”
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