
Archive for May, 2009

Worst Ideas Ever: Steadicam Mountain

May 22nd, 2009

My friend Neal Barenblat and I decided to rent one and climb a mountain. We rented a Varizoom Steadicam Navigator from Omega Broadcast here in Austin, TX and drove out to Enchanted Rock. We mounted Neal’s DVX100B onto the Steadicam and climbed the 800 ft. mountain, all while documenting our experience on my Canon XL2. Worst Idea Ever? Maybe. Check out some of the photos below:

Neal & the Steadicam

Neal & the Steadicam

Steadicam? No sweat!

Steadicam? No sweat!

Ready for Adventure!

Ready for Adventure!

Neal was up first. We took out the Steadicam and assembled it. Since we had only taken a small crash course on how to use a Steadicam, we were about to find out if we could climb Enchanted Rock and keep the camera steady. Neal decided to do the uphill climb and I would do the down hill climb.

Check out the short video below:

Website Launch: Mendez Burk Realty

May 20th, 2009

Our latest web site comes from a new player in El Paso’s real estate market. Mendez Burk Realty is a team of bilingual and multicultural professionals servicing the El Paso, TX area’s real estate needs in the residential, commercial and rental sector. A few of the website’s highlights include its integration with the El Paso MLS real estate listings, as well as its quick Spanish/English translation for Mendez Burk Realty’s local clientele.

Mendez Burk Realty website

Mendez Burk Realty website

Breaking Borders: Cross-Dressers & Drag Queens of El Paso, TX

May 8th, 2009

El Paso Filmmakers Diana Cordova, Benny Ontiveros, John Castaneda, and myself all collaborated together to bring you our first documentary. Every Thursday night at a local Taco Cabana in El Paso Texas, Manuel Nunez and friends put on a cross dressing drag queen show titled “Samantha’s Travesti Show”. Through the use of comedy and entertainment, Samantha, Viviana, & Zayda break the borders of transsexual identity and acceptance.

Click on the image below to view the documentary:

Breaking Borders

The JVC GY-HM100 and JVC GY-HM700

May 6th, 2009

My friend Phil Geotz from Texas Media Systems invited me to a small filmmaker get together where I met fellow Austin filmmakers Matt Iha and Rod Cole.  We all got to speak with Scott A. Burch, one of the JVC district sales managers from Texas.  Scott recently returned from NAB 2009 and provided us with some hands on experience with the JVC GY-HM100 and its older brother the GY-HM700.  Allow me to post some fun facts about this camera.

JVC GY-HM100 with Mic

JVC GY-HM100 with Mic

JVC GY-HM100 without Mic

JVC GY-HM100 without Mic

Matt Iha & HM100

Matt Iha & HM100

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