
Archive for January, 2009

Austin Studios Re-opening

January 31st, 2009

Sandy, Neal, and myself all attended the Grand Re-opening of Austin Studios courtesy of the Austin Film Society.  Austin Studios unveiled their new facilities at the old Mueller Airport Friday evening. The studio made $5 million dollars worth of improvements approved by Travis County voters. Robert Rodriguez and Richard Linklater cut the ribbon to start off the ceremony.  The party was held in Sound Stage 3, which is now home to one of the biggest green screens in Texas next to Troublemaker Studios.  Sandy and I took photos at the green screen and our friend Neal was interviewed by Fox7 and gave his take on the new facilites and opportunities.  We met up with lots of old friends and even go to meet Jabbar K. Raisani, one of the visual effects artists who created the Iron Man Suit for Robert Downy Jr.  I also ran into Patricia Vonne there and she was kind enough to introduce us to Eleonora Avellán. Awesome!  Below are some photos I took with my cell phone and the Fox7 News package with Neal’s interview.

Fox7 News Package with Neal Barenblat

Welcome to the New Website!

January 22nd, 2009

Finally, after 4 months of development time, our new website is finally online!  We would have gotten it done faster, but our “web branch” (me) had a very busy year (yay). Plus, whenever I design for myself, I’m never satisfied. Its non-stop tweaking, tweaking and more tweaking. But nevertheless, it is finally up and alive.

Feel free to click around and soak it all in. There will still be more updates coming shortly (as you can see, the design work section is empty.)  We will also be adding client testimonial’s to each work page and the home page.  After you’re done clicking around, let us know what you think by commenting on this post. Normally, I would write about all the time and ideas that went into this site’s redesign, but I think it speaks for itself. :-)  And for those that never saw the previous site, here is a nice comparison I put together.

Click the picture for its full size.

Many things have happened over the past year that we haven’t been able to share with you all since we didn’t have our blog up.  But now that we do, we will be posting news and updates regularly. If you’d like to keep up to date with any big news or events, subscribe to our e-mail updates. Don’t worry, we won’t be spamming your mailbox.

For now though, you can skim through the archives and read all about our experience in the summer of 2008 working on our latest feature film production, “Hands of God”.

Thank you for taking the time to check out the site, we hope to hear from you!