
Archive for September, 2008

Day 25 – Hands of God – Conference Room

September 15th, 2008

Today was the final day of production for Hands of God. It’s been great working with everyone on this project. Manny, Benny, Monica, Marco, Frank, Raymond, Arturo, My Dad, Chops, Laura, Jim, everyone who had a helping hand in this movie. Jacob Cintron, the CEO of Del Sol Hospital let us using his conference room for the final scene.

Manny had just finished his Easy Money audition and came straight from the airport to our last day of production. What a trooper haha. I’ll be posting more information later about my entire experience. I think I will miss barracuda most of all.

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Hands of God Day 25 - Still 03

Hands of God Day 25 - Still 02

Day 24 – Hands of God – St. Patrick’s

September 14th, 2008

Our second to last day of production. Manny had to leave for LA to audition for a TV show called Easy Money. He would be returning tomorrow to finish his final scene. This gave Benny, Monica, Sandy, and I a chance to finish the final scene with Marco and Karen since we were rained out last week. We set up the shot outside St. Patrick’s Cathedral and we were able to finish everything in about 30min. We needed to work fast since we were running out of light. We said our goodbyes to Karen and Marco and thanked them for working with us on our production.

More photos can be viewed at

Day 23 – Hands of God – ICU / Surgery / Conference

September 13th, 2008

Jim Daross came to finish his final scene for our film. I decided to dedicate several hours to this particular scene because it was going to be very crucial. My dad was able to simulate the V-Tach rhythm for us on the defibrillator as Arturo made the surgical scar for Jim Daross. When we finished with this scene, we filmed the finale of the surgery scenes as well as the second part of the conference room scene. This was our final day here at Dr. Moldes’ office and we were so thankful to them for letting conlude the hospital scenes at their clinic.

More photos can be viewed at

Day22 – Hands of God – ER & ICU

September 12th, 2008

This was one of our tougher days since it was a crucial make-up scene. Ivan came back to the set to finish his final scene as a gun shot wound victim. Our good buddy Arturo Portillo was able to come by and do our makeup for the scene as well as participate in a small role. The make-up Art did was really amazing. He never ceases to amaze me. My dad also came by to give us a lot of medical advise when it came to treating the gun shot wound victim. We were able to wrap up the day without any problems.

More photos can be seen at

Day21 – Hands of God – LockerRoom, Lounge, ICU

September 11th, 2008

I don’t know how Manny does it. Not only is he doing production with us during the day, but he is also the lead actor in King Lear here in El Paso. He was able to spend most of the day with us getting some of the last few scenes done. We started in the lounge area then proceeded into the locker rooms. Marco and Manny are always great to work with. Benny, Sandy, and I were having bunny ear wars at times.

For the last few scenes of the day, Benny took off the Redrock M2 adapter from his JVC110 Camera to get several hand held and dolly shots. I was so shocked to see how much light this camera was letting in without the use of the redrock. Damn that thing really does lose like 4 stops of light. I’m starting to have second thoughts about buying this thing since I would have to buy a ton of lights first or film everything outdoors. I have lots to think about.

More photos can be viewed at

Day20 – Hands of God – ICU

September 10th, 2008

Angel Herrera came back on set to finish the remainder of his scenes. Dr. & Mrs. Moldes were kind enough to let us use their ICU location one more weekend in order for us the finish the production. It really helped since we didn’t have to tear down any lights or equipment for all of labor day weekend. We finished up Angel’s & Marco’s scenes and called it a night.

More photos can be seen at