
Archive for August, 2008

Editing & The Plaza

August 25th, 2008

Since our production has turned into a little bit of a weekend shoot as of late, I’ve taken the time to edit several scenes from the movie. Everything is looking and sounding amazing! I can’t wait to start cutting a trailer for this movie. Sandy, Benny, Monica, Laura, Chops, and I have also been having a lot of fun at the “Movies Return to the Plaza” film festival here in El Paso. We’ve caught some local films at the Best of the Border Event, saw local filmmakers Zach Passero debut his Horror film Wicked Lake, and we got to watch Dr. Strangelove on the big screen. Now that’s an experience at the movies!

Day19 – Hands of God – ICU/Cath Lab

August 25th, 2008

Raymond Niemira joined the cast of Hands of God today. He plays our cardiologist in a few scenes with Frank Laverpool. Also making his acting debut is Jim Daross. He hasn’t had any dialogue in the past couple of scenes we have filmed with him, but today, we are getting all of his scenes done. Wow, another great actor here in El Paso. I had not idea we had this much talent around here. I could tell that Manny was really enjoying working with him. The weekend came to a close and we took all of the equipment with us. We will be returning to this location on Labor Day weekend to finish the final scenes of Hands of God!

More photos can be seen at

Day18 – Hands of God – Exam Room

August 25th, 2008

Nomar Rizo, another one of EL Paso’s local actors, joined the cast today. I had only spoken to Nomar over the phone the last few years but finally got to meet him in person this year. I asked him to play Mr. Sangre, a homeless junkie in our film. Wow is all I have to say. He really got into his role and actually scared us a little bit since his acting was so amazing. He acted alongside Manny for the scene. Manny got a little nervous when Nomar was suppose to pull the knife on him since Nomar was so into character. I know for a fact that this scene will have a lot of great energy on screen.

More photos can be seen at

Day17 – Hands of God – ICU

August 25th, 2008

I’ve gotten a little behind with this blog since we’ve been very busy as of late. The good news here is that Carmen Moldes of El Paso GI was more than happy to let us use her facility to use as an ICU floor for our movie. The scene we filmed on Friday was with Marco Naylor, My grandmother, uncle, and mom. Since all three have been in my previous movies, I just knew they would have alot of fun. My grandmother loved her role since all she did was lay in bed for it haha. The best part of the night was when Marco and I wheeled my grandmother out of a room and he told her “Mrs. Martinez, Via Con Dios” in the best Keanu Reeves impression.

More photos can be seen here at

Day16 – Hands of God – Patricia’s Bedroom

August 16th, 2008

Tonight we finished up the rest of the Alyssa’s scenes. Marco and Karen came by as well to say goodbye to Alyssa since these were her last scenes. We finished up in about 4 hours and we all said goodbye to Alyssa. She was a lot of fun to have during our production. Tomorrow, its off to Dr. Moldes’ office.

Day15 – Hands of God – Piano Recital

August 14th, 2008

Karly Pine from my old school St. Clements was kind enough to let us use the Mayfield room for our piano recital scenes. I called up a few of my cousins, aunts, and uncles for the small crowd scene. EJ also came by with his HVX200 and shot some behind the scenes footage for us. EJ ended up helping us move equipment and also got to see first hand how much light one really needs in order fully utilize the Redrock M2. Always good to have local people come see your shoots. Alyssa and my cousin did really well with their piano recital scenes.

TXMPA Network Party

August 14th, 2008

Sandy and I went to the Texas Motion Picture Alliance Party on Sunday to meet and greet several other local filmmakers. I met up with Jared and EJ who I hadn’t seen since MicroFest a few years ago. Benny and Monica also came and they introduced us to several other local filmmakers. Gilbert and Patty were also there. It was great seeing them again. Without EPFilm, none of this would be possible today so big thanks to both of them!

Day14 – Hands of God – Ambulance 2

August 4th, 2008

Since we weren’t able to finish our ambulance scenes last Sunday due to rain, I rescheduled with Dr. Mario Padilla and his EMT team. We started at 3pm this time and there was not a single cloud in the sky. This made the day incredibly hot. We started off with a quick shot of Marco looking at the ambulance.

Once we were done inside, we moved on outside to the ambulance. We had to move to the front of the hospital and under the canopy entrance in order to do the scenes. Angel Herrera and Armando Beltran came and did their scenes pretty quickly and we were all done around 6pm. The remainder of us had pizza for dinner. Benny is leaving town for a week so that gives me time to get everything together and look at what we’ve shot and how much we need to finish the movie.

Day13 – Hands of God – White Sands

August 3rd, 2008

We stocked up on food, water, and Gatorade for our trip to white sands. Jim Daross was already in Alamogordo so he was able to meet up with us pretty quickly. It was partly cloudy and windy when we arrived at White Sands. At least it wasn’t hot. White Sands tends to trip me out sometimes since the sand here doesn’t absorb the heat. If you bury your feet in the sand, it actually feels very cool.

Anyways, we got to work on all of Jim’s heavenly shots. The wind kept us all cool but unfortunately, we had trouble keeping the camera steady. Benny held it down as best he could. Sometimes we would have redo few shots since the wind would get pretty bad. Luckily, we were done in just 2hrs. We all took a lunch break and chatted a bit. Jim went back to Alamogordo and Benny, Monica, Sandy, Chops, Laura, and I stayed to play around a little bit more and to also get a shot of the sunset at white sands. It was beautiful.

For more pictures of our trip, check out

White Sands

Day12 – Hands of God – Piano Scenes

August 1st, 2008

Alyssa Sherman joined the Hands of God cast today. At 9 years old, she’s already a great piano player. Marco Naylor and Karen Moore came back to my house to finish up the piano scenes with their daughter Patricia aka Alyssa. I was able to hook up my HDTV to Benny’s camera and it served as an amazing monitor. I need to carry one of these things everywhere I go. It was a small and simple shoot so we finished pretty quickly. We all had fun with the shoot and then we sang HAPPY BIRTHDAY to both Benny and Alyssa. A great night for everyone!